

apr. 25, 2025

Navigating Asia’s giants: opportunities and challenges in India and China - Malmö

How can Swedish companies better capture the opportunities that India and China offer? To succeed in the global competition and stay resilient in turbulent times, we need to increase our presence where there is growth.

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apr. 28, 2025

Navigating Asia’s giants: opportunities and challenges in India and China - Stockholm

How can Swedish companies better capture the opportunities that India and China offer? To succeed in the global competition and stay resilient in turbulent times, we need to increase our presence where there is growth.

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king-s-church-international-vsk-Vw8AXe4-unsplash c.jpg

apr. 29, 2025

Exportera till Storbritannien

Storbritanniens utträde ur EU och dess inre marknad har inneburit stora förändringar för svenska företag i deras handel med Storbritannien. Vad kan ni göra för att förebygga och minimera eventuella problem och kostnader?

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maj 01 - juni 30, 2025

Dates and times to be confirmed

Sweden Indonesia Sustainability Partnership Week

In 2025, the program goes into the deal pursuit phase, focusing on qualifying and pursuing large-scale healthcare projects with business potential for the participating companies.

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maj 01 - juni 30, 2025

Dates and time to be confirmed

Sweden Indonesia Sustainability Partnership Week

In 2025, the program will continue to pursue a large-scale EV transformation system with business potential for participating companies. The Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between Business Sweden and PLN, the Indonesian utility company, aims to push forward a pilot project of Swedish charging infrastructure towards larger business opportunities for Hitachi Energy and ABB. Furthermore, both Scania and Volvo will be offering electric busses and have significant interests in a large scale EV-transformation.

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Expo 2025 Osaka Nordic Pavilion.webp

maj 05 - maj 09, 2025

Expo 2025: Nordic Startup & Innovation Ecosystem Delegation to Osaka & Tokyo

The Nordic Innovators @ EXPO 2025 Osaka & SusHi Tech Tokyo is a 5-day delegation for Nordic startups, investors, and ecosystem players to meet with Japanase stakeholders and seek growth opportunities in Japan.

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maj 06, 2025

09.00 - 16.00

Internationell E-handel - Onlinekurs ledd av våra experter

Den här kursen ger dig ökad kunskap i hur de kan sätta upp och optimera dina exportstrategier för din e-handelsexpansion. Du får verktygen som ökar förutsättningarna för att bli en framgångsrik och konkurrenskraftig internationell e-handelsaktör.

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maj 07 - maj 09, 2025

Swedish Delegation to BIO-Korea

Opportunity for Swedish companies to showcase innovative technology and explore business collaborations in conjunction with Bio Korea 2025. The overarching goal of this event is to introduce Swedish innovative life science industry to the Korean players to foster an environment that accelerates business collaboration between the two nations.

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maj 15, 2025

Leveransvillkor och Incoterms® 2020

Lär dig använda leveransvillkor effektivt! Vilket leveransvillkor ni använder får konsekvenser för mycket mer än bara transporten. På den här halvdagsutbildningen fokuserar vi helt på leveransvillkor, främst Incoterms® 2020, och vad som passar i olika situationer.

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